Captain Shares Personal Story about new Seatbelt Law (Video)

Buckle up! There’s a new seatbelt law in Maryland that requires all passengers even those in the backseat (over the age of 16) to be buckled in safely.

Montgomery County Police Captain Tom Didone is credited by many legislators for making this new law a reality. And in this MyMCMedia extra, he tells us why the new seatbelt law is so important to him:

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Active Enforcement of New Traffic Laws (Video)

Thomas Manger on New Traffic Laws

Active enforcement of new Maryland traffic laws is underway in Montgomery County. As of Oct. 1, hand-held cell phone use will result in a $83 fine and all passengers in a vehicle must be wearing a seat belt. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming. Related Posts

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Captain Shares Personal Story about new Seatbelt Law (Video)

Captain Didone

Buckle up! There’s a new seatbelt law in Maryland that requires all passengers even those in the backseat (over the age of 16) to be buckled in safely. Montgomery County Police Captain Tom Didone is credited by many legislators for making this new law a reality. And in this MyMCMedia extra, he tells us why […]

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"Looking Forward to This Law Change" (Video)

Officer Deslauries

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New Traffic Laws Go Into Effect on Oct. 1 (Photos & Video)


Montgomery County Police Chief Thomas Manger was joined by other police chiefs and law enforcement officers on Sept. 30 to get the word out about the tough new traffic laws that go into effect on Oct. 1. “Today is the last day that anyone in the state of Maryland should expect that they can get […]

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New Traffic Laws Take Effect Oct. 1 (Video)

Driver texting

New state traffic laws go into effect on Oct. 1. Drivers using a hand held cell phone will face hefty fines. CCM’s Lorna Virgili reports. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming. Related Posts

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Traffic Laws Changing Oct. 1 (Video)

Driver using cell phone

Montgomery County wants drivers to be aware of changes in traffic laws that go into effect Oct. 1. Driving while using a hand-held cell phone becomes a primary offence. Police will be able to stop a driver who is using a hand-held cell phone. Also, everyone riding in a vehicle must use either a seat […]

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