By the Numbers: Reach Out to Women Because They Vote
Voting is a political action and the easiest way to become politically involved.
In the state of Maryland, the voting turnout for women was slightly higher in comparison to men during the 2014 elections.
Nationwide, women also outnumber men when showing up to the polls and casting their vote.
August 26, designated Women’s Equality Day, marks the 95th anniversary of the 1920 passage of 19th Amendment, granting American women the right to vote.
The state of Maryland has historical roots in the women’s suffrage movement, as it was one of the first states to have a state suffrage association.
In honor of Women’s Equality Day, below is an overview of voter turnout at the state and county level by gender.
This 2014 data may be resourceful for women political operatives focused on targeting women voters in Maryland.
Are you a woman of color who has worked on the campaign trail in Maryland or another state? Have you helped other women register to vote? Share your story on “Politics Within Politics”! Email Tonia at: Get the latest news on Twitter: @abuoyedpath #politicswithin
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