Board of Education Seeks Comment on Four Education Policies
The Board of Education wants to know what Montgomery County residents think about four education policies. Indeed, the policies range from the board’s ethical practices to student rights regarding engaging in political activities during school hours.
Here’s an overview of the policies for which they are seeking feedback.
Board Policy BBB, Ethics
This policy aims to ensure that the Board of Education remains impartial and independent of Montgomery County public officials and school employees.
Read the full policy here. Comment on the policy here by Sunday, Jan. 13.
Board Policy BFA, Policysetting
This policy is intended to provide clarity and update the procedures for setting policy for Montgomery County Public Schools.
Read the full policy here. Comment on the policy here by Sunday, Jan. 13.
Board Policy IGK, Career and Technology Education
This policy aims to prepare all Montgomery County students for economic and career success. Students would receive instruction that not only exposes them to “real word work experiences,” but it would also expose them to more careers. Overall, by learning about new careers, students could identify what type of career they could best leverage their talents. Thereafter, the policy could help students be strategic in knowing what type of classes should be included in their education experience. Also, it could provide students more opportunities to access post secondary schooling opportunities.
Read the full policy here. Comment on the policy here by Sunday, Jan 13.
Policy KEA, Political Campaigns and Political Materials
This policy would allow students to receive an excused absence from school to participate in political and civic activities. Currently, the policy has many restraints in place. For instance, students can only receive an excused absence to participate in political campaign activities two weeks prior to an election. However, not only do students need a note requesting a student’s presence from a political candidate or organization, students also need written consent from their parents. Thereafter, the principal must approve the request in writing.
On Nov. 13, the Board of Education considered revisions from the Board Policy Management Committee that make this process more flexible. The new revisions allow for students to simply provide evidence of attending a sponsored event. Also, the principal would not have to approve of the student attending the event. Rather, the principal would just be notified that the student is participating in the event. The committee also suggests students should be granted three excused absences for political or civic engagement activities.
Notably, the policy does not excuse students from school for participating in a school walkout. Although it may be for civic purposes, MCPS sees leaving school property as a potential safety risk.
Read the full policy here. Comment on the full policy here by Sunday, Jan. 13.
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