Bittersweet (Video)
Hello again! These past few weeks have been quite packed!! I have been working with the students in Session III of the Backpack Journalism Academy. In the last week, they brought in their footage and began to edit their stories. I took pictures and videos of the students editing, put together a recap of the session, and assisted the students by providing tips and tricks in editing their videos in order to ensure that the student’s creative story ideas truly shined and lived up to their brilliance and worth. The students proved so funny and genuine – I miss them already!
Two weeks ago, while the Backpack Journalists were out shooting their footage, I accompanied Mandi and Larry on a side trip to Camp Gan Izzy, where I showed the young boys and girls how to use the bloggie (a flip-cam type of camera). I also took pictures of the children as Larry recorded them shouting, “We are Camp Gan Izzy and you are watching Access 19!” They were just ADORABLE. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but I absolutely love little kids. They are so full of energy, which makes them (well, most of the time) so entertaining! It was so cool to meet Larry’s precious granddaughters (Melissa is seven and Megan is nine). Once we were ready to head out, they each hugged me and I felt so honored
Now, I don’t want to make this blog post too long, but there is just SO MUCH to say, and I apologize in advance for its length. Yesterday was one of my best days of the entire year (not just of the summer!). As it was my last full day at the office, Mandi made certain I did not leave without a grand goodbye! She took me out to pick-up food, and we then went back to the office to eat with our co-workers. A nice lunch with them would have been more than good enough for me, but she THEN brings out the prettiest cake I have ever seen! The cake was so me (I included a picture of it, so you better take a look). Mandi knows me too well. One by one, all the employees gathered into the kitchen for some cake and a goodbye. They wished me well and handed me a card with a little message written on it from each worker. Not only that, but they all chipped in and gave me a gift card to the Regal Cinema! After that I was glowing all day, and frankly, I am still glowing. Thank you so much MCM for the cake, gift card, and well wishes! Your warm thoughts and appreciation means the world to me.
With Backpack Journalism and Camp Gan Izzy, the weeks have been just flying by. It seems as though just yesterday was my first day at MCM. As I walked into the building on that first day, warm, friendly faces greeted me, making sure I felt welcome. Right then, I knew this would be a summer that would remain with me forever. Today is the last day of my eight-week internship at MCM. My stomach is in knots as I write this final MCM Intern Life post because I am sad for what I will be leaving behind. As my mentor Mandi articulated to me the other day, my leaving is “bittersweet.” Summer is always like that, isn’t it? There’s always that bittersweet ending. However, I know that although my internship is ending, it is not really “over.” It has left me with stronger values and a crisper sense of the world, both of which I will always carry with me as I venture on to accomplish my goals and strive to make my dreams come true. While this internship provided me with an opportunity to learn how to compose, film, edit, and blog, more importantly, it allowed me to discover the value of working with and caring about those around you. It is their concern, relentless support, and enthusiastic energy for both their co-workers and the people of Montgomery County that makes MCM the great place that it is. I witnessed that care while working with the staff of MCM and observing them in action as they strove to make MCM a place that could truly help and inform the community.
Thank you MCM for all that you do and for all that you have given to me. I will never forget you.
My new friends
- Mandi and Me with the Camp Gan Izzy Kids
- Learning how to use the Boom Microphone
- Goodbye Cake and Card
- Me with My Co-Workers
Mandi and I
Below is a video I filmed and edited. It allows you to meet MCM’s Summer Interns! Please take a look:
I am going to miss you Lindsay. Stay in touch.
Nice Lindsay…good to see the interns utilizing the resources available to them. Good Luck to you.
Hi Lindsay, I just want to let you know that Megan and Melissa talked about you all the time after meeting you at the camp. They were so excited to see their names in your writeup and of course “grandpas name”. Thank-you, they really enjoyed it!