Author David Baldacci’s “The Finisher” May be Headed to the Big Screen (VIDEO)
In this MyMCMedia Extra video, author David Baldacci tells us that his young adult novel, The Finisher, may be headed to the big screen. Take a look:
You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming event, visit the Gaithersburg Book Festival website.
Author David Baldacci on New Writers (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra Video, Author David Baldacci talks about new writers and fresh voices on the literary scene. You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming event, visit the Gaithersburg Book Festival website.
Author David Baldacci on His Writing Process (VIDEO)

Where does he write his books? In this MyMCMedia Extra video, bestselling author David Baldacci tells us about his writing platforms from laptop to desktop to notepads and then there are his edits —or as he describes editing, “the blood on the page.” Take a look: You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn […]
Author David Baldacci's "The Finisher" May be Headed to the Big Screen (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, author David Baldacci tells us that his young adult novel, The Finisher, may be headed to the big screen. Take a look: You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming […]
Author David Baldacci is Working on Two New Books (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, bestselling author David Baldacci tells us about his next two books, which he is currently writing now. You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming event, visit the Gaithersburg Book […]
Author David Baldacci on His Newest Novel, The Escape (VIDEO)

His fans have been waiting a long time for this book. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, author David Baldacci tells us a little about his newest novel, The Escape, which is available on Nov. 18th. You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For […]
Author David Baldacci's Tips for Crafting a Story (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, find out how author David Baldacci builds a creative story. You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming event, visit the Gaithersburg Book Festival website.
David Baldacci: "I Write My Way to the End" (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Sonya Burke asks author David Baldacci if he knows how his books will end before he writes them. His answer may surprise you. You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this […]
David Baldacci: "My Whole Life is a Vacation" (VIDEO)

“Go, go, go,” said bestselling author David Baldacci when describing his desire to start writing his next book. Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra video: You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming event, […]
Author David Baldacci Remembers an Earlier Visit to Gaithersburg (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, bestselling author David Baldacci said he’s been to Gaithersburg before and he’s excited about his upcoming visit next month. Take a look: You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming […]
Author David Baldacci: "I Love Meeting Readers" (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, bestselling author David Baldacci talks about the energy he draws from meeting his readers. Take a look: You can meet Baldacci on Dec. 2nd, and learn more about his newest novel, The Escape, when he visits the Gaithersburg Library. For more information about this upcoming event, visit the Gaithersburg Book […]
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