Ranger Rick Coming to a TV Near You
Silver Spring’s Red Rock Films and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) will partner to create an animated series for television starring Ranger Rick.
Bix Pix Entertainment will animate the beloved character.
“For decades, Ranger Rick has inspired millions of children to explore, love and protect nature,” said Dawn Rodney, NWFs Chief Innovation and Growth Officer. “Bringing this iconic character to life on TV will inspire an entire generation in a whole new way, thanks to the passion, creativity and imagination that Red Rock Films and Bix Pix bring to this partnership.”
Debuting in 1959, Ranger Rick first appeared in the book “The Adventures of Rick Raccoon.” Meant to inspire kids to explore the outdoors, The popular character became an NWF icon. In 1967 Ranger Rick’s Nature Magazine hit the news stands.
Rick developed a natural entourage including Scarlett Fox, Boomer the Badger and Tunia, the Monarch Butterfly. Over the years, more than two million children have followed their adventures in print and online.
A veteran of children’s programming, Brenda Wooding works as Executive in Charge of production and development for Red Rock Films. She explains, “There’s never been a better time to bring the legacy of Ranger Rick to the forefront of TV and further spark kids’ passion for exploring our natural world. This series will not only have one of the largest and most trusted conservation organizations backing it [National Wildlife Federation], but will also have the fresh, imaginative storytelling and the animation magic of Bix Pix steering it forward for the next era. My hope is that kids connect to the series and realize they too can make a difference.”
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