Hogan Makes Easter Bunny ‘Essential Worker’ in Maryland

No mass on Easter, no group gatherings, but those celebrating will get an Easter basket.

Gov. Larry Hogan announced Friday at a press conference that he’s proclaimed that the Easter Bunny is an “essential worker” on Sunday.

Kata Hall, the deputy communications director for the governor, tweeted Hogan was willing to make “an egg-ception” for his Stay at Home order.

Hogan said on social media: “For the kids out there who may have been concerned, I have some reassuring news: Today I officially proclaimed the Easter Bunny as an essential worker in Maryland. He therefore will be able to proceed with his hopping across the state, delivering Easter baskets to Maryland children.”

Related Post:

Hogan: Easter Weekend ‘Will be the Worst Possible Time’ to Congregate

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Deirdre Byrne

About Deirdre Byrne

Deirdre Byrne is a social media coordinator for Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at dbyrne@mymcmedia.org or on twitter at @DeirdreByrneMCM.


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