NAACP to Host Conversation on Equity in the Classroom with MCPS Superintendent
The NAACP Parents’ Council is inviting residents to join them in a conversation with Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith to voice any questions or concerns about Montgomery County Public Schools System.
Issues that will be raised include the Achievement Gap for students of color, equity in the classroom, and how parents can go about accessing support and quality instruction in the classroom, according to a news release.
The conversation will take place on Dec. 14 at the MCPS Carver Education Services Center in Rockville and begins at 6:30 p.m.
If a student earns a diploma from MCPS, that student should be educated enough to take for-credit courses at any Maryland community college. Otherwise, the diploma is worthless. Similar to the University of Maryland allowing all associate degree holders from Montgomery Community College into it, so should the high school diploma guarantee the ability to take for-credit courses. My daughter graduated from Walter Johnson High School in 2008; but she could not pass the Accuplacer test so she has been thwarted in her efforts to take for-credit courses. The diploma has to mean something.