Rockville High Rape Allegations Draw Comments from Annapolis and D.C.
The rape allegations at Rockville High School drew attention from capitals—Annapolis and Washington, D.C.—on Tuesday.
In Washington, Trump press secretary Sean Spicer called the Rockville rape “a tragic event.”
“It’s horrendous and horrible and disgusting what this young woman in Rockville went through. I can’t possibly imagine. So first of all let’s remember the human side of this, that this is a tragic event that no child, no person, no parent should have to deal with,” he said when asked about the incident.
Two high school students from Central America have been charged with the rape of a 14-year-old student.
Spicer said schools should be safe places where children learn and feel safe.
“There are so many issues that come up in this case. I will leave it to authorities to get through but I think we are in the early stages and there’s a lot that needs to get addressed with respect to this case in particular,” Spicer said.
He said certain communities have chosen not to enforce immigration laws, and this case was another.
Local officials, including County Executive Ike Leggett and Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner, have insisted that Montgomery isn’t a “sanctuary” county, the term that applies to local governments that choose to oppose federal immigration policies. The county, they say, informs Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents when they are about to release an individual who has an immigration detainer.
You can see Spicer’s remarks here.
In Annapolis, Gov. Larry Hogan called on Montgomery to assist federal authorities during the investigation of the crime. On Facebook, the governor issued the following statement:
“I am outraged by the brutal and violent rape of a 14 year old girl in a Rockville public school. Our prayers are with her. The State of Maryland is calling on Montgomery County to immediately and fully cooperate with all federal authorities during the investigation of this heinous crime. The public has a right to know how something this tragic and unacceptable was allowed to transpire in a public school.”
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