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About Backpack Journalism

Backpack Journalism is a form of broadcast journalism where the individual is the reporter, camera operator, and editor. These individuals have the ability to get into their neighborhoods and communities to find stories that matter to them. These reporters are vital to getting the word out in Montgomery County. Here... Read more

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Backpack Report: MCPS Grading System (Video)

Recently, MCPS got rid of exams and changed their grading system for all high schools throughout Montgomery County. There have been many differing viewpoints on this change, ranging from agreeing with it, to completely disagreeing with it. Grace interviewed a series of people, from students, parents and a teacher to gain the differences in opinion.

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About Mandi Wyndham

Mandi Wyndham is the Training & Volunteer Services Coordinator at MCM and instructor of the Summer Backpack Journalism Academy and Citizen Journalism.


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