Free Sports Equipment Keeps Young Athletes in the Game (VIDEO)
What would baseball be without a bat or hockey without skates? Too often the cost of the equipment keeps children in families with limited incomes from participating in sports. Many schools and community groups also cannot afford to provide what kids need to play baseball, hockey, football, soccer, tennis or other sports.
That need is where Max Levitt discovered his calling. He started the nonprofit Leveling the Playing Field in 2013. The organization housed in a Silver Spring warehouse distributes free equipment to schools, churches and youth groups that involve children and teens in sports activities.
Leveling the Playing Field receives government funding but also relies on contributions from donors. Some 300 schools, churches and groups have benefited from the nonprofit’s work. The nonprofit has donated $1.5 million worth of sports equipment in three years. Levitt hopes to expand the program to Baltimore next year and eventually establish a national organization.
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