8-Year-Old 911 Caller Tours MCPD Center

On Sunday, July 25, 8-year-old Carson called 911 to help his grandfather who was in distress. He carefully followed all of the instructions he was given. And his grandfather responded favorably.

In recognition of his quick thinking and assistance to his grandfather, the Montgomery County Department of Police invited him to tour their call center.

During his visit Carson was also able to meet the call-taker who helped him in person. 

The Montgomery County Emergency Communications Center also gave Carson a certificate recognizing his efforts.

“It’s not everyday that one, a child has to do that,” the certificate presenter told Carson, “but two… the call-taker asked you questions and you did a fantastic job, you did everything that you could have done.”


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Madelyn Willoughby

About Madelyn Willoughby

Madelyn Willoughby was an intern with MyMCMedia during the summer of 2021. At the time, she was a rising sophomore at the University of Maryland majoring in journalism. She is from northern New Jersey and has always loved to write. She hosts a weekly podcast with friends called In Retrograde and serves as a writer and assistant social media manager for Her Campus Maryland.


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