25 Ballot Drop Boxes Available, More to be Installed Soon

The November 3 election is quickly approaching, and residents who are voting-by-mail can also drop off their completed ballot at a drop box location. As of Wednesday, there is a total of 25 ballot drop boxes available throughout Montgomery County. Before the onset of early voting, there will be a total of 50 drop boxes available for voters.

Montgomery County Board of Elections officials say to make sure your voter oath is correctly signed on the back of the return envelope, or the ballot will not count.

MyMCMedia spoke with Dr. Gilberto Zelaya with the Montgomery County Board of Elections:

Click here to find the closest ballot drop box location near you. County Board of Elections officials say ballot drop-off boxes are monitored and secured by trusted election officials. Ballots are retrieved from the boxes at least twice daily by election officials and the drop boxes will be available through Tuesday, November 3.


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Jordan Lindsay

About Jordan Lindsay

Jordan Lindsay is a Reporter for My MC Media. Let her help tell your story by emailing jlindsay@mymcmedia.org


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