Zika Virus Update (VIDEO)

Dressed for mosquito season, Dr. Ulder Tillman, health officer for Montgomery County, provided an update on the Zika virus at Tuesday’s County Council meeting.

According to Tillman, there are eight cases of the Zika virus in the state of Maryland and they are all travel related.

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, below, Tillman tells us about the mosquitoes that carry the virus, talks about the likelihood that some cases are local, and shows us what to wear to protect our skin from mosquito bites.

You can find more information about the Zika virus on the county’s website, here.

Fight the Bite: Health Officials Say Important to Get Rid of Mosquito Breeding Spots

Zika virus risk symbol as the shadow of a disease carrying mosquito forming text that represents the danger of transmitting infection through bug bites resulting in zika fever.

County officials are urging residents to take steps to protect themselves and their families against the Zika virus. “As we enter the summer mosquito season, everyone should be vigilant about getting rid of mosquito breeding spots,” said Cindy Edwards, senior administrator for Communicable Disease and Epidemiology with Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services. […]

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Five Things to Know Today, Oct. 4, in Montgomery County (VIDEO)

Five Things List for featured image (4x3-version1-1200x900)

Here are five things to know today, Oct. 4, in Montgomery County: 1. The Montgomery County Council meets today and on the agenda is a health department update about the Zika virus, a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) update about efforts to reduce class size, and a 1:30 p.m. public hearing about the future of […]

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State Crews Spray for Mosquitoes in Montgomery County (VIDEO)

Aedes triseriatus mosquito
PHOTO | CDC/ Robert S. Craig

The state of Maryland used a truck to help eradicate mosquitoes in two areas of Montgomery County last week. Montgomery County Health and Human Services spokesperson Mary Anderson said the spraying took place in a section of Gaithersburg and in a section of Wheaton. According to Anderson, residents in the spray area received reverse 9-1-1 […]

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Backpack Report: The Zika Virus (Video)

2016 Summer BPJ Vierra

While many people are enjoying their summer, going the beach, enjoying the sun, it is mosquito season. The West Nile, the Degue and the Chikigonya viruses have already terrorized people and the mosquitoes themselves, but there is a bigger program that is being faced currently, the Zika virus. To lean more information about the virus, […]

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Zika Virus Prevention Discussed on Montgomery Al Dia (VIDEO)

HHS nurse Marta Gill.fw

Marta Gill was a guest on the county’s Spanish language radio show, Montgomery Al Dia. Gill, a nurse with the county’s department of Health and Human Services, discussed the county’s Zika virus prevention efforts. Take a look: Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming. For more information go […]

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Emergent BioSolutions Lands Contract to Develop and Manufacture Zika Virus Vaccine

Zika virus risk symbol as the shadow of a disease carrying mosquito forming text that represents the danger of transmitting infection through bug bites resulting in zika fever.

Gaithersburg based biotech company Emergent BioSolutions has been tapped to develop and manufacture an early stage Zika Virus vaccine. The company announced that its Center for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing (CIADM) has been awarded a contract from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) valued up to $21.9 million, this week. BARDA […]

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Town Hall Meeting on Zika Virus Set for June 29 in Germantown

Zika virus risk symbol as the shadow of a disease carrying mosquito forming text that represents the danger of transmitting infection through bug bites resulting in zika fever.

Montgomery County officials are hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss the Zika virus on June 29, from 6:30 – 8 p.m., at the Upcounty Regional Services Center in Germantown. Local leaders will outline the County’s action plan and provide information on steps residents can take to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites. […]

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Zika Virus Town Hall Meeting (VIDEO)

Dr Ulder Tillman

Fight the Bite is the name of a local educational campaign to protect residents from mosquitoes. Local, state and federal officials recently held a Zika virus town hall meeting at the Dennis Avenue Health Center to discuss prevention and protection. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.

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County Report This Week (VIDEO)

County Report This Week logo square

Lorna Virgili hosts the latest episode of County Report This Week, which includes reports on a forum about the Zika virus in Silver Spring, recruitment efforts for Montgomery County’s Fire and Rescue Services, MCPS graduation ceremonies, a recap of Montgomery College’s successful baseball season and more. Watch the show, below:

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Zika Virus Information Session Planned for May 26 (VIDEO)

Zika virus risk symbol as the shadow of a disease carrying mosquito forming text that represents the danger of transmitting infection through bug bites resulting in zika fever.

Concerned about the Zika virus? Montgomery County residents can find out more about the virus and learn how to lower infection risk by taking part in an information session on Thursday, May 26. Take a look at the video below. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.

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