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About Larry Merewitz

Larry Merewitz will keep us updated on events going on in the Olney-Brookeville area. There are always restaurants opening and other events like National Night Out in Olney and of course the farmers market.  I am expanding my area to highlight different places I visit, events  I go to and things I experience through... Read more

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Youth Sports Camp (Video & Photos)

With school coming to an end in June, we at MCM looked at some training ideas that would focus on middle and high school kids that may be fun after a long school year. We already had Back Pack Journalism planned and the Docs in Progress classes doing short documentaries, and  music videos.  We thought maybe a Sports camp would be an interesting  first time thing to do.

We hooked up with the Hispanic Business Foundation to see if they could find some high school kids that may be interested in sports and video to take part in this  first attempt to do a Pilot program. The program was  5  Tuesdays  beginning the last week of May and running through July 1. They got  a group of 5 kids who wanted to do this. We came up with a plan to teach them how to use the cameras, do an  interview, shoot and edit a soccer game.  We arranged  to meet up with a team that was having a practice session there on the day we wanted to shoot.  When we got there, we met with the coaches and went over what was going to happen and what we were doing.  I told them that we wanted a few short interviews with them and maybe some of the players. They were excited about it and told us to let them know whatever we needed they would do. The kids did get some interviews and shot the teams going through their practice. The next week we showed them how to edit and they started editing  that week and the next week.  Some situations came up so we only got one short project from the group but it was a good experience for them and they seemed to enjoy it. We got to use this Pilot to see what we need to do for future classes.  Included are some pictures and the short video they did.

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Larry Merewitz

About Larry Merewitz

Larry Merewitz is a long-time Montgomery County resident and worked for Montgomery Community Media for nearly 20 years as the Traning and Volunteer Services Manager. Larry writes a blog on MyMCMedia, find it here.


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