WSSC Holding Meetings on New Rate Structure
Montgomery County WSSC customers will get two chances in June to hear about a new rate structure that is expected to take effect next year.
The new structure follows an order in March by the Maryland Public Service Commission, which found that current 16-tier Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission rates, adopted 25 years ago, discriminated against large water users.
The utility is holding the meetings to help educate its customers on the rates under consideration and the effect these options will have on their water and sewer bills.
The complete schedule of all meetings can be found here. The meetings will be 7:30 p.m. at the Council Office Building in Rockville. The first meeting will be Monday, June 5, and the second on Monday, June 19. Two other meetings are scheduled for Prince George’s County, one at Prince George’s Community College on Tuesday, June 6, and the other at the WSSC offices in Laurel on Tuesday, June 20.
Since last summer, WSSC has been conducting a rate structure study, receiving comments from customers, stakeholders and county government representatives.
The utility says all meetings will be livestreamed either on its Facebook page or its website. Comments will be received at BudgetGroup@wsscwater.com.
Do consumers that make money from their use of WSSC Water pay under the new suggested rate structure?
Car Washes, Laundry mats, Hospitals, …
Do people with swimming pools and automatic sprinkler systems pay under the new rate structure?
What about golf courses?
Buildings that charge rent and use large quantities of water most likely won’t reduce the rent.
What about water parks?
Once some of these questions are answered I will look forward to attending the meeting.
My parents, family and friends have been using WSSC Water for more than 65 years and I have not heard anyone say that it’s not fair that those that use the most water should not pay more, especially those that incorporate their costs in their prices they charge.
I look forward to clarification so I am better informed as to the fairness of the proposed new rate structures.
As a rate payer that appreciates the quality of WSSC’s services and an employee for more than 22 years, I find it difficult to understand this must be fair to all mentality.
If someone makes money from WSSC’s services rather than just personal hygiene uses they should not burden the personal rate payers with higher costs.