Woodland Hills Pond Construction Starts July 23
The city of Gaithersburg Department of Public Works announced the retrofit construction of the Woodland Hills Pond will begin on July 23rd. The city has maintenance responsibilities for this pond on behalf of the Woodland Hills Home Owners Association. All work will take place within existing easements or on property owned by the Woodland Hills Home Owners Association, allowing the city to make the necessary repairs to this pond to provide additional water quality and to bring it into compliance with current safety and stormwater management standards.
Construction access will be from Tanyard Hill Road. Four parking spaces will be closed and marked for access to the pond for the duration of the construction activity. The city will rescind the “No Parking” restriction along the eastern side of the lower section of Tanyard Hill Road during construction to provide additional parking for residents.
The construction is scheduled to begin on or about July 23, and is anticipated to last until approximately the end of September, weather permitting. Work on weekdays will take place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please check the City of Gaithersburg website for status updates. For additional information please call the Department of Public Works at 301-258-6370 or e-mail publicworks@gaithersburgmd.gov.
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