Won’t You Feed My Neighbor?
Author Jon J. Muth said, “It is easy to believe we are each waves and forget we are also the ocean.” Manna Food Center is a place where it’s hard to forget we are the ocean. We might want to just come to work, put lunch in the fridge, fold the umbrella, hang the coat, check a dozen voicemails—but there are rarely solitary tasks here. Feeding the hungry is not something any staff can do alone. Our neighbors, volunteers, and members of the community make each day’s work possible. Some days that means third-graders donating the profits of their lemonade stand to help us purchase food, or a recent retiree joining the daily rhythm of taping-cutting-sorting-packing, taping-cutting-sorting-packing.
Financial strain doesn’t stop the tide of holidays from happening. Cultural celebrations and memories are so often rooted in communal meals. Families pack into cars, board trains and planes, for perhaps their only visit this year. The ebb and flow of gatherings continue, and people still need to eat.
But you know that. You, our Montgomery County neighbors, stepped in with financial contributions during our Holiday Hunger Drive, so we could purchase the quality and types of foods we need to help nourish the families we serve. The gift tags mailed in by you and your neighbors are loving reminders of our community’s support in the work we do best. Today, the last day we operate before Christmas, boxes are donned with tags from children, churches, families, and nameless donors who mailed us funds for food for our families.
Some things are best said in pictures.
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