Winston Churchill Ranked Top High School in Maryland
Winston Churchill was rated the top high school in Maryland, according to the 2018 Best High School Rankings by the U.S. News & World Report.
U.S. News evaluated more than 20,500 public high schools nationwide to identify schools that best serve all their students, including historically undeserved populations. Top-performing high schools received gold, silver, and bronze medal recognition from U.S. News with gold medals indicating the greatest level of college readiness.
According to the rankings report, Winston Churchill High ranked No. 113 in the National Rankings, which is the highest ranking for the state of Maryland.
Other schools that received gold medals include Poolesville High School which ranked second best in the state; Thomas Wootton High School ranked third best in the state; and Quince Orchard High School ranked fifth best in the state.
Overall, Maryland ranked No. 3 when it comes to the highest number of gold medal schools.
For the complete rankings and report, click here.
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