Where Should Montgomery County’s Next Dog Park Be Located?
Montgomery Parks is looking for feedback from the community to help them determine the next dog park location.
The feedback will be used in their Dog Parks Site Suitability (DPSS) Study. This study will not only be used “as a reference tool” for future dog parks but, according to Montgomery Parks, it “may also help identify locations for temporary pop-up dog park events such as the ‘Yappy Hour’ at Elm Street Park.”
The areas that are being studied for potential dog park sites are all at least half a mile away from family homes and townhouses. Also, Montgomery Parks says that the study areas “were inventoried for their existing facilities, cultural resources, natural resources (such as stream buffers or floodplains), and other relevant factors).
Those areas that were studied were scored based on their safety, available parking, proximity to a residential community to minimize noise, size of the area, and distance from playgrounds to “minimize conflicts.”
Where County Residents Can Give Input About Future Dog Parks
Montgomery County residents can take a survey on the Open Town Hall website to help Montgomery Parks determine the best location for dog parks.
The survey will be active for input through March 31.
Montgomery Parks’ ‘Candidate Sites’ For Dog Parks
Montgomery Parks says that although they have suggestions about areas for future dog parks, their study isn’t limited to just these options.
The website says, “Ideas and comments from the public are welcome throughout the process.”
The deadline for participation was 9:00 AM on January 28, 2019.
Waters Landing local park