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What You’re Saying on MyMCMedia

Here’s a look at what some of our visitors and followers are saying on our website and social media channels.

Secret Sons & Daughters (read the story here.)

Lindsey Seegers

“Thank you so much for highlighting this important, rarely discussed, topic! It was a particularly timely read for me. I am speaking on birth family reunions on a panel for the Barker Foundation’s 20th Adoption conference in Rockville tomorrow. Adoption and reunion are more complex than Hollywood ever makes them out to be—and rarely have such happy or clear-cut resolutions. This is new website is a wonderful resource I was excited to discover, and now plan to pass onto my fellow adoptees.”

Christine Koubek

“Thank you Sonya Burke and Montgomery Community Media for this story on Secret Sons & Daughters! We hope it makes its way to many adopted people and the families that love them.”

The First Step (read the blog here.)


“Great story.”

Jeff Getek

“Very excited to be blogging on @mymcmedia about senior living! You can read the first entry of “The Journey On” here:”

Voting Rights Discussion at Boyds School (watch the story here.)

Greg Wims

“So proud of the NAACP for leading on this important issue. Thanks to NAACP Montgomery County President Anita Neal-Powell.”

Damascus Man Charged with Murder of Three-Year-Old Son (read the story here.)

Shelley Green

“Very sad that another child has died from being beaten/abused by their parent.”

Plow My Street (read the blog here.)

Karen O’Keefe

“Two hours after the blog posted, two small trucks arrived and plowed us out!”

Councilmember Riemer Proposes Silver Spring Central Park (watch the story here.)


“How about no? Should have made the SSTC a park, though.”

A Love Story for the Ages (watch the video here.)

Linda Hale Barter

“Phyllis, delighted to hear your voice and piano once again! So happy you and Harvey found each other. Love from your family in Arizona.”

Latino Leadership Conference (watch the conference here.)

Cathy Lamaze

“Professional, information-rich, and entertaining panel! Technical aspects of broadcast excellent. (Why is my live stream not continuing for the poetry? Oh, how I want to hear that too!) Congratulations on an outstanding start to vibrant discussion of a topic that will long be of critical importance to our county, state and country.”

Making her Passion her Life (read the blog here.)

Kim Damion

“Please tell Blanche how incredible I think she is and she will always have a place in my heart. Very warm memories of our years together. She is an inspiration and a walking example of the love and compassion Manna represents.”


“What an inspiration! It sounds like the folks who work at Manna are the luckiest bunch around. Congratulations, Miss Blanche!”

Cherri Branson Named New Councilmember (watch the story here.)

Kennedy Odzafi

“Congratulations and wish you God’s guidance and protection.”

Rockville Residents Report Snow Plow Damage (read the story here.)

Paul Stankus

“Thank you for caring, Sonya.”

Robin Ferrier

“Great coverage by Montgomery Community Media of the neighborhood snow plow debacle. Includes pictures.

Winter Weather Safety Tips (read the story here.)

Nicole Stanley

“Very useful tips for all drivers.Drive safely on icy roads.When driving in icy conditions, avoid sudden movements, abrupt braking or fast acceleration, turn the wheel in the opposite direction the case of skidding and press on the gas pedal or brake pedal very slowly and smoothly.”

Romanticizing the Bank (read the blog post here.)

Nancy Frieder

” I, too, am guilty as charged of not taking control of this. However, I haven’t heard anything from my bank. I’ve been considering changing my bank card on my own– but procrastination has beaten out my logic. Perhaps I have nothing to worry about. Or perhaps your blog will get me moving! Good post!”

LA Mitkus

“I’m with Barb and you, let’s all go to Bedford Falls. I think we all thought about doing something about the Target debacle in relationship to our personal accounts but alas, this ostrich put her head in the sand. Another great blog.”


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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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