Weekend Planner for Jan. 12-14: Guide to Arts and Entertainment Around Montgomery County
Celebrate the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday at the City of Rockville’s MLK Day celebration in the morning or at the Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Tribute & Celebration at Strathmore Monday afternoon. Both events include performances and awards.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day also provides an opportunity to give back to the community. Check out this list of service projects.
Here are some additional suggestions for arts and entertainment around the county this weekend.
Friday, Jan. 12
The Reluctant Dragon Montgomery Playhouse, in partnership with Arts on the Green present the Reluctant Dragon. This play, based on the book by Kenneth Grahame, adapted by Ed Monk, and directed by Loretto McNally, is about the village of Veesaldorf, a young girl named Charity and her dreams of adventure. Recommended for ages 7 and up. Runs Jan. 5 through Jan. 21 at Gaithersburg Arts Barn, 311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg. gaithersburgmd.org. $15 / $12 for ages 14 and under. An optional workshop precedes the performance Jan. 12 for a nominal fee.
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra: Off the Cuff Impressionist Masterworks Discover the many influences of impressionism in this concert presented in partnership with the Baltimore Museum of Art. Music Director Marin Alsop and the BMA’s Senior Curator of European Painting and Sculpture Katy Rothkopf explore the world of brush strokes, colors and orchestration as masterworks by Debussy and Ravel are performed along with projections of timeless art by Cézanne, Monet and Degas. Jan. 12 at 8:15 p.m. at the Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda. strathmore.org. $35 – $89.
Debussy // La Mer
Ravel // La Valse
76 Degrees West Band This Washington, D.C. based band has performed at various festivals and clubs around the country. The band members include: Leon Rawlings-Band Director, Bassist/Trombonist; Eddie Baccus, Jr.-Saxophonist; Derek “Redfootz”Freeman-Drums; Kym Clarke-Trumpet; Robert Lanham;Jamal Orr-Keyboards; Lewis “Mike” Burney-Percussions; Stanley Cooper-Guitarist; – Ronald Payton, Jr.-Vocals; Kenny Wesley; Vocals. Jan. 12 at 8 p.m at Bethesda Blues & Jazz Supper Club, 7719 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda. instantseats.com. $30.
Saturday, Jan. 13
Charlotte’s Web Based on the book by E. B. White, adapted by Joseph Robinette and directed by Kathryn Chase Bryer. The beloved classic about Fern, a farm girl and the bond she forms with Wilbur, a pig. At the Zuckerman Farm, Wilbur meets a silly goose, a moody sheep, a selfish rat, and Charlotte, a clever spider. In an effort to save her friend, Charlotte weaves flattering messages about him into her web that cause a sensation in the small town. Recommended for ages 5 and up. Through Jan. 14 at Imagination Stage, 4908 Auburn Avenue, Bethesda. imaginationstage.org.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Film Screening This film screening leads-up to MoComCon. The audience is invited to interact with what is happening on screen. Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. at Twinbrook Library, 202 Meadow Hall Drive, Rockville. montgomerycountymd.gov. Free. (Other MoComCon events may be found, here.)
Sunday, Jan. 14
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra: Concerto for Two Timpanists Marin Alsop brings Carnival of the Animals into the 21st century with Baltimore hip-hop artist, Wordsmith. Baltimore native Philip Glass creates rhythmic power with his Concerto Fantasy in the hands of Principal Timpanists James Wyman of the BSO and Jauvon Gilliam of the National Symphony Orchestra. Jan. 14 at 3 p.m. at the Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda. strathmore.org. $35 – $80.
Saint-Saëns // Carnival of the Animals (with hip-hop narration)
Philip Glass // Concerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists
Debussy // La Mer
Ravel // La Valse
Leonard, Coleman & Blunt Glenn Leonard, Joe Coleman, and Joe Blunt, the former lead vocalists from The Temptations, The Platters, and The Drifters perform Jan. 14 at 7:30 p.m at Bethesda Blues & Jazz Supper Club, 7719 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda. instantseats.com. $25.
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