photo The Town of Chevy Chase sign

Website Ranks Chevy Chase Snobbiest Small Town in America

photo The Town of Chevy Chase signThe town of Chevy Chase is the snobbiest small town in America and the neighboring tiny town of Somerset is right behind it, according to the website

The website used criteria such as median home price, median household income, percent of population with a college degree, private schools per capita, theaters per capita, and art galleries per capita to come up with the ranking list.

At the top of the list is Chevy Chase, which the website describes as “a hotbed of wealth and influence.” It also notes that homes in this community are expensive. “You’d have to shell out more than a million bucks to get something ‘decent’,” the website concludes.

“Snob central,” is how the website refers to Somerset, which touts a population of just 1,314 people.

The people behind the list say it is all in “good fun,” noting they would live in any of these “snobby” places if given the chance.

You can read the entire list, here.

The list also got the attention of many on social media, as you can see below:

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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