We All Scream For Ice Cream!
Hello world! I thought it about time to write another blog post. I told you in my last post I would give you a glimpse into my other job (the one in which I serve ice cream in an ice cream parlor), so that is exactly what I shall do! Although working at Marble Slab Creamery in Rockville, Marland is exciting and enjoyable, it is definitely no recess. When I come in on a Saturday morning I must first refill the bins that hold all of the toppings. Not to mention, I have to walk into a freezer to get the new toppings (talk about FREEZING!). Next, I put on my apron, pull my hair back, and begin my day’s work at the shop. Here comes the fun part: the customers! The reason I decided to work at an ice cream parlor was for the sole purpose of interacting with all of the friendly faces. The typical customer is a mom who comes in with her two little boys or two little girls. “Vanilla! With strawberries and oreos! Oh, and in a cone!” one little boy exclaims, which is when I know it is my time to shine. I scoop out a kids portion of Vanilla ice cream and slap it down on the slab. I then head to the back to get a scoop of our fresh strawberries and pour them on top of the ice cream. After I have sprinkled on the oreos, I mix it all together to create one tasty combo! But just wait. . . I haven’t even said my favorite part yet! It comes now: the moment I hand the cone of vanilla ice cream to the little boy and see the smile beaming across his face. I can’t even describe how wonderful it is to know that just a tiny act of scooping ice cream can mean so much to one little boy. The mom walks out, hand-in-hand with her two sons as they lick their ice cream cones, into the sunny, summer day. I treat myself to a small scoop of chocolate, smiling as I wait for the next customer to arrive.
In terms of my internship here at MCM, it just keeps getting better and better! I love how each day is a little different than the one before. One day I’ll be editing two stories and the next day I’ll be filming the kids of the Backpack Journalism Academy or stuffing envelopes while talking about the meaning of life with Communications and Development Coordinator Tony Spearman-Leach and intern David Cabrera. Really, what more could I ask for? It does not get much better than making new, close friends all the while doing what I love: journalism, blogging, reporting, and editing.
I hope all of you enjoyed your Fourth of July! Please keep reading as I will go on to discuss my internship here at MCM, a side trip I had the opportunity to partake in with Mandi and Larry to an Orthodox Synagogue, and possibly even the trip my family recently took to Upstate New York!
Below is a picture of me working at the Marble Slab Creamery–take a look!
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