Watercolor Art Exhibit at Brookside (Photos)
Potomac Valley Watercolorists (PVW) presents a juried art show featuring florals and related landscape paintings from August 11 through September 22 at Brookside Gardens, 1800 Glenallan Ave., Wheaton. The show will feature approximately 60 watermedia paintings by members including watercolors, acrylics, and collage. Megan Fox, Assistant Gallery Director for the Art League Gallery will jury the exhibit for awards. Some of the areas top watercolor artists will participate.
“Brookside Gardens seemed like the perfect setting to exhibit the amazing floral and botanical paintings from among our membership,” said Christine Heyse, event organizer. “Each artist will present their unique interpretations of nature in the midst of this glorious setting.”
The show features juried artist members of the Potomac Valley Watercolorists (PVW), a nonprofit organization that seeks to promote the art and excellence of watercolor painting. The group includes many nationally recognized artists as well as regional art educators. Many of the artists exhibit at prominent regional galleries and compete in nationally acclaimed watercolor shows.
Take a look at three works by artists Yoshimi Matsukata and Sue Moses courtesy Potomac Valley Watercolorists.
The gardens and exhibition are both free and open to the public. Hours at Brookside:
Gardens open sunrise – sunset
Visitors Center open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Visit Potomac Valley Watercolorists website to learn more.
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