Vietnam Vets Reunion on April 22
Veterans of every era and the public are invited to attend the fourth annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Reunion on Monday, April 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza located at Fenton St. and Ellsworth Dr in Downtown Silver Spring.
Vietnam veteran Max Cleland, current secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission and former administrator of the U.S. Veterans Administration will give the keynote presentation, “From Vietnam to Afghanistan….Supporting One Another.” Cleland, who was a U.S. senator from Georgia from 1996 to 2002, will also sign copies of his 1989 book, “Strong At The Broken Places.”
The event will include a reception for veterans featuring resource tables from Vietnam Veterans of America; U.S. Vietnam 50th Commemorative program; the Silver Spring Vet Center, with their Mobile Vet Center Van; and other veterans service organizations.
The event will be hosted by County Executive Ike Leggett and include remarks by Leggett and U.S. Congressman Chris VanHollen and recognition of veterans who served during the Vietnam era (February 1961 to May 1975). The reunion is sponsored by the Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs
Veterans are encouraged to wear their military uniforms or veteran organization attire. Public parking is available in the Ellsworth Dr. parking garage located adjacent to the building.
For more information, contact the Commission at 240-777-1246 or via MD Relay at 711.
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