Van Hollen Statement on Mueller Probe: America Needs Access to Full Report

Sen. Chris Van Hollen issued this statement after the release of Attorney General William Barr released a summary into Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation:

“The Mueller report confirms that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election, a point that President Trump continues to deny. I know our country is relieved that Mueller did not find that the President participated in a criminal conspiracy with Putin and Russia, but the President is simply wrong to claim he has been exonerated with respect to charges that he sought to obstruct justice. In fact, the Mueller report expressly indicates that they did not reach a determination on that question. It is alarming but perhaps not surprising that Attorney General Barr — who was handpicked by President Trump — would try to exonerate the President of obstructing justice within 48 hours of getting a report that did not reach such a conclusion. This is the same individual who signaled to President Trump that he did not believe presidents could be liable for obstruction of justice in such circumstances and was likely nominated by Trump for that reason. All this shows why it is imperative that the Congress and the American people immediately get access to the full report and its supporting materials. The country deserves the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

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