Tampa Bay Times Forum, site of 2012 Republican National Convention

“Used To Be From Maryland”

Tampa Bay Times Forum, site of 2012 Republican National Convention

Tampa Bay Times Forum

From the RNC Convention in Tampa

At a large multi-delegation party Sunday night at the Republican Convention in Tampa, the most common greeting to Marylanders from attendees from Virginia, Delaware, Florida and even DC has been, “I used to be from Maryland, but I left because…..” The rest usually involved a new job somewhere else or lower taxes.

On Monday morning, Sen. E.J. Pipkin summed up the phenomena. People elsewhere can look to Maryland to see the results of the Obama-O’Malley policies. More government in Maryland is producing fewer jobs than other states.

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About Mark Uncapher

Mark Uncapher has been Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party since 2008. The party represents over 125,000 registered voters, http://mcgop.com/ Professionally he is a telecommunications lawyer and previously served as a Counsel to a Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He and his wife Robin are both graduates of George Washington University and have lived in Bethesda since 1995.


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