Mark Your Calendars: Small Business Networking Series
The July 18 Small Business Networking Series will focus on “Venture Capital and Angel Investors.” The featured presenter, Valerie Gaydos, president, Capital Growth, is an active angel investor and Founder of the Angel Venture Forum. She has been involved with many start-up companies in the areas of operational development and strategic planning for more than 20 years.
The Small Business Networking Series is held at Montgomery Community Media and will begin at 7 a.m. with meet and greet networking and will finish promptly at 8:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required. Register here.
Get details on meeting agenda, MCM Small Business Networking Breakfast July 18.
More on Valerie Gaydos:
Valerie Gaydos is the founder and president of Capital Growth, Inc. (CGI) which was founded in 1994 as a venture capital data and information publishing company. CGI currently specializes in business building and actively invests in early stage companies. She is also president of Fifty-First Associates, LLC, an association management and government relations firm in Pennsylvania. From 2004-2007 Valerie served as President of the Pennsylvania Angel Network. She also served as director of the Private Investors Forum (Philadelphia) and the annual Angel Venture Fair (AVF) – a consortium of angel investors from 2004-2010. She is a member of the Lancaster Angel Network, a founding director of the Center for New Technology Enterprise and serves on the Policy Committee of the Angel Capital Association (ACA). Additionally, she is a member of the PEG PAC Political Action Committee Board of the Pennsylvania Business Council and serves as Chairman & Treasurer PiPAC which is a Federal Political Action Committee established to preserve and encourage the stability and growth of American emerging businesses.
Valerie previously served as an Analyst for the Pennsylvania State Senate and worked for Senate leadership. She also served as Staff Assistant for Pennsylvania U.S. Senator H. John Heinz,III.
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