Tune to Rockville 11 For Election Results
Rockville voters will head to the polls on Election Day, Nov. 5, to vote for the five seats occupied by the Mayor and Council and weigh in on three advisory referendum questions concerning changes to the City charter.
Election results will be counted immediately after polls close. Unofficial results will be posted on the City’s website, www.rockvillemd.gov, and at City Hall. Rockville 11, the City’s television station on channel 11, will also air the results on election night and will air a full recap of the results in a special election edition of Rock11 Now later that week.
Results become official on Tuesday, Nov. 12.
Ahead of Election Day, voters can learn about the candidates by watching “The Candidates,” a show featuring four-minute candidate platform statements on Rockville 11 or the City’s YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/CityofRockville/.
Also airing on the City’s YouTube channel are three debates hosted in recent weeks by community organizations and recorded for broadcast by Rockville 11.
City of Rockville elections are held every two years, at which time the mayor and four council seats are up for election. This year, voters will decide between two candidates for mayor and six candidates for four council seats.
The Mayor and Council each serve two-year terms. Newly elected officials will take the oath of office during the inauguration ceremony, which begins at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 17, at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre in Rockville’s Civic Center Park, 603 Edmonston Dr.; a reception will follow. The ceremony and reception are open to the public.
The first meeting of the new Mayor and Council is at 7 p.m. on Nov. 18 in the Mayor and Council Chambers at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave.
For more election information, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/election13 or call 240.314.8286.
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