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About Larry Merewitz

Larry Merewitz will keep us updated on events going on in the Olney-Brookeville area. There are always restaurants opening and other events like National Night Out in Olney and of course the farmers market.  I am expanding my area to highlight different places I visit, events  I go to and things I experience through... Read more

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Travel from Flagstaff to Mesa Verde Colorado

Traveling is always a tiring event especially at the rate I’ve been going this week.  I must give my kudos to the 2 little girls you have seen in some of the pictures. For 2 kids in elementary school to travel the 1400 miles so far this week and still be so pleasant. We have taken them many places but nothing to this extreme and I must say they are the best little travelers one could ask for.

With that being said we left Flagstaff CO. this morning bright and early and went to the Grand Canyon and really liked that. The girls had their Bloggie camera and were taking the video on the trip. They learned how to use them by our Bloggie master and Back Pack Journalism teacher, Mandi Wyndham who is totally awesome when it comes to teaching children.

When we got the photos we moved on to Four Corners. This is the only place in the United States that four states have one place that they all meet up. They girls got to stand in all four states at once. They found that exciting. The four states are Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona. There are the photos of that as well as some of the scenery as we drove there.

It was a good week but we will settle in tomorrow after going to see the cave dwellers in Mesa Verde Colorado. Then on to Estes Park to crash on Friday and give my final pictures of that location.  Then we go to a wedding on Saturday and be back home Sunday so the girls can rest up for the first day of school on Monday. It’s been a great week and educational for the girls since they were studying about Pueblos and the Native Americans who lived many centuries ago and now got to see the places they lived and worked.

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Larry Merewitz

About Larry Merewitz

Larry Merewitz is a long-time Montgomery County resident and worked for Montgomery Community Media for nearly 20 years as the Traning and Volunteer Services Manager. Larry writes a blog on MyMCMedia, find it here.


One Response to “Travel from Flagstaff to Mesa Verde Colorado”

  1. On August 24, 2012 at 9:16 am responded with... #

    What memories!! Enjoy, it looks fantastic.

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