Top Leaders of MCPS Transportation on Leave Pending Financial Investigation

At least two staff members at the Montgomery County Public Schools Department of Transportation are under investigation by the Montgomery County Police Department concerning “allegations of possible financial improprieties,” according to MCPS Director of Communications Christopher Cram.

“We take these allegations very seriously, and as a result, we immediately contacted the police to investigate,” Cram wrote in a statement.

A reply to an email request for comment from Todd Watkins, director of transportation, noted, “I am currently out of the office on leave.” There was no mention of when he would return.

According to a source, both Watkins and Assistant Director Charles Ewald are under investigation concerning “a $600K discrepancy in terms of credit card abuse.” MyMCM will update the story as more information becomes available.

Michael Lewis was named acting director of the department, and Kathy Herald was named acting assistant director.

A police spokesperson confirmed an investigation is underway “but that is all I am allowed to say on the situation,” she wrote in an email to MyMCM.

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Suzanne Pollak

About Suzanne Pollak

Suzanne is a freelance reporter with Montgomery Community Media. She has over 35 years professional experience writing for newspapers, magazines, non-profit newsletters and the web.


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