Terrel Limerick: Special Olympics Maryland Athlete of the Month (PHOTO)
Special Olympics Maryland (SOMD) today announced that Terrel Limerick of Rockville has been named the February Athlete of the Month.
“We are extremely proud of the hard work and dedication that Terrel has put into becoming a stellar athlete and stand-up member of his community,” says Jim Schmutz, President and CEO of Special Olympics Maryland, “It is my honor to recognize Terrel as our February Athlete of the Month.”
Limerick has participated in SOMD for more than 20 years and has won over 100 medals in sailing, alpine skiing and track and field. One of six Marylanders chosen, he will represent the United States and compete against 7,000 athletes from over 170 countries this summer at the 2015 Special Olympics World Games. Limerick is the first Level 5 sailor to compete for the United States in the Special Olympics World Games.
In addition, this winter he will compete in Alpine Skiing against other SOMD athletes at the 2015 Winter Games at Ski Whitetail.
“I am very proud to be Athlete of the Month for February and represent the awesome Montgomery Ski Team,” Limerick said. “We do amazing races together on the slopes. Our ski coaches and volunteers teach us how to ski our best.”
Growing up with a twin brother without an intellectual disability, Terrel sometimes found it challenging to explain his learning disability to others and build friendships. When asked how Special Olympics has changed his life, he cites his ability to travel and compete against people from around the world, improved physical fitness, independence and the opportunity to build lasting friendships. Outside of competition, he works as an office assistant at the Special Olympics International office in Washington, D.C., and participates in the Special Olympics Athlete Leadership Program where he visits local schools and businesses to talk about the impact Special Olympics has had on his life.
“I have a job, my own apartment and can do things, like ski and sail, that a lot of people without disabilities can’t even do,” he said. “I want people to know that my disabilities will never keep me from being a successful person at work, in sports or in my life.”
In his free time, Terrel acts with ArtStream, a performing arts company for adults with disabilities, in addition to hiking and travelling with his twin brother.
Terrell is an amazing young man. I’ve had the pleasure to meet him last week at the Special Olympics headquarters in DC while shooting for MCM field producer Nancy Frohman’s documentary and he was very helpful and sociable. I would like to wish him all the best in his sporting and professional careers!
I saw your “Person of the Week” story on ABC!!! I admire your spirit & wish you the absolute best of luck at the Special Olympics!!! GO TERRELL!!!!
Hi Terrel – We had the pleasure of meeting your lovely mother today on her way to see you. She is very proud of you! We watched her video and were very touched by her story about you and your twin brother. You are both such handsome young men! We also watched your video and although we do not know you, we are still very proud of what you have accomplished. You are a very strong person.Congratulations! We wish you continued luck and happiness in all that you do.