Teens Hit by Car

Montgomery County fire rescue crews and police officers responded to a car accident in the 1600 block of East Randolph Road near the Pilgrim Hills Recreation Center before dawn on Oct. 3.

Police Officer Rebecca Innocenti said the accident was called in at 6:22 a.m. and the preliminary investigation indicates the driver lost control of the vehicle hitting two pedestrians.

Assistant Fire Chief Scott Graham said two teenagers were hit by the car and the driver was trapped.

Innocenti described the teens as a 16-year-old female and 18-year-old male and she said they were walking on a sidewalk to the bus stop. The teens, who were transported to the hospital, are students at Springbrook High School.

According to Graham, their injuries are not life threatening and the investigation is underway.

It’s not clear if the weather played a factor in the accident; the morning was wet and foggy for commuters.

Today also happens to be International Walk to School day.

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