Taste of Olney, Tavern and Winery
Olney should be nicknamed the City of Food, It seems like so many things revolve around food and drink or have names related to that. Coming up this week beginning September 26 at the Olney Theatre Center is the stage perfomance Over the Tavern. For more information, to get tickets and find the times for the performances call the Theatre at 301.924.3400 or check out their website olneytheatre.org
The Olney Theatres show title can make you thirsty, but on Wednesday October 3 there really is food at the Taste of Olney and business expo. The Olney Chamber of Commerce 33rd Community Night is being held at Longwood Community Center , which is about 1.5 miles north on Georgia ave. from the Olney town center. There will be food, activities, the Lions Club will be offering free health screenings. There is expected to be about 90+ exhibits, giveaways and a lot more. Make a date with the Longwood Community Center and join the fun at Olney Community Night. If interested in having some exhibit space of your own call 301.774.7117 or go to olneymd.org
If after going to the theatre or running around during the community night you are ready to take some time to relax, stop in at the Olney Winery which is now opened. I knew it was coming soon but as I drove through Fairhill Shopping center the sign was up saying we are open. I didn’t get to go in this time so can’t tell you the hours but stop by and see for yourself what’s in store for you at the Olney Winery.
Remember, you can comment on this or e-mail me with anything you know of that is going on in Olney or Brookeville and I will post it here. You can e-mail me at olneyhappenings@yahoo.com and send me interesting photos or stories, or even if you know of an event coming up let me know and I will put it up here or in the events section of this site.
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