Safety of Summer Activities follows teenagers to the pool and gym in an effort to investigate the safety of each activity. The video shows the behavior of lifeguards at the pool and shows the safety of the local gymnastic center.
Pool Safety by Matthew Post (Video)
Pool safety is a concern at local pools in Montgomery County. This video report shows the views of pool patrons and a local lifeguard.
Backpack Journalism’s Big Event
Last night was the big event…. The Summer Backpack Journalism Academy Viewing Party! We had a full house to showcase the work of our newest Backpack Journalists. I am so unbelievably proud of every one of them. Their stories were set to a high standard and they definitely delivered. Parents, siblings and friends were able […]
That’s A Wrap (Photos)
Putting the Stories to Bed Today is a bittersweet day, the final Summer Backpack Journalism Academy project was completed and all three sessions are done. What a whirlwind summer. I can’t believe how fast the past six weeks have passed. It seems like I was just getting the materials together for the first session. […]
What a Day
We have had another busy day at MCM’s Summer Backpack Journalism Academy. Our reporters took a break from editing to help record a video for an upcoming project with Power2Give. If you haven’t checked out MCM’s first project, “Send a Kid to Camp” yet, you need to. What a great way to give back to […]
Putting the Story Together (Photos)
The heat did not deter our backpack journalists from getting their stories the past week. They all came in this morning with a ton of footage for their stories. We started recapping their week and then dove right in to editing with Final Cut Pro 7. What an experience! Our journalist learned some new tricks […]
Use Your “Reporter Voice” (Photos)
What a fun-filled busy day at the Backpack Journalism Academy! I didn’t think we could fit in so much in one class, but we did! Our morning started off with a recap of yesterday’s class and then MCM’s very own Tamika Smith came in to talk about reporting. She showed us some of her stories […]
Session 3 Starts Now! (Photos)
What a great first day of MCM’s Summer Backpack Journalism. Session three is starting with enthusiasm and a TON of great ideas. Our board was full of interesting topics for our new journalists to start their own stories. As usual the morning started quiet, but after lunch, the conversation was flowing. I am definitely excited […]
What’s Your Story?
I had the opportunity to attend the Foundation of the Alliance for Community Media’s Youth Summit and all I can say is, “WOW!” I had such a great experience for such a short time in New York City. Two phrases that I heard throughout the day by various presenters were “let your voice be […]
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