El estado ha establecido el “Programa COVID-19 para pequeñas empresas propiedad de minorías y mujeres de Maryland” con $10 millones en fondos estatales de la Ley de Ayuda, una iniciativa para apoyar a las empresas pequeñas y sub-representadas bajo estrés financiero debido a la pandemia. Los fondos se distribuirán a través de la “Cuenta de […]
Maryland Offers COVID-19 Relief Program for Small, Minority and Women-Owned Businesses
The state has established the “Maryland Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Account COVID-19 RELIEF Program” with $10 million in state Relief Act funding in an initiative to support small and underrepresented businesses under financial stress due to the pandemic. Funds will be distributed through the Maryland Department of Commerce’s “Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Business Account,” […]
County Hosts First Annual Procurement Forum in Silver Spring (VIDEO)
The Montgomery County Office of Procurement hosted its first annual Procurement Forum on Oct. 5th in Silver Spring. The event featured 50 panelists and speakers, as well as 20 exhibitors. “What we would like to do is make sure that small,local minority and female owned businesses are able to connect with big businesses that are […]
Unbeatable Resources for Women Entrepreneurs
This week I’m sharing a great opportunity for fellow women entrepreneurs who have recently started their business in the last two years. The Maryland Women’s Business Center is celebrating its tenth year of the Start Right! Business Plan Competition. The deadline to submit an executive summary for consideration is June 5 at 11:50 pm. You still […]
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