weight loss

April 25, 2013 | Elizabeth Ortega-Lohmeyer

When a “Must” Becomes “Never Again”

I just realized that it’s been 13 weeks since I quit smoking and it’s amazing how time passes and how something that was “a must” becomes a “never again.” I used to smoke one or two cigarettes in the evening to relax, then I stopped for four years. When my father died six years ago […]

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March 22, 2013 | Evans

Small Plates. Big Food.

Put a lot of food on a small plate and it’s supposed to look like more. To me, small plates with big food look like just what they are: Not enough. I had seven more pounds to go before reaching my Weight Watcher’s goal the last time I reported in to you. The road has […]

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February 28, 2013 | Emily Jackson

photo Emily Jackson

Meet Emily Jackson (Photos)

Battling obesity is no joke! As a single mom, the battle is on.  I was a swimmer and played basketball, volleyball and tennis through Cabin John Jr. High and Winston Churchill High School in the late 1970’s. I always had a propensity towards being chubby or “husky,” but sports and athletics were my life. I […]

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