Un hombre de Montgomery Village está acusado de disparar y matar a un hombre en Hagerstown, según la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Washington. Lauron Zacherie Hoyle, de 35 años, está acusado de homicidio en primer y segundo grado y otros 17 cargos, incluidos asalto y delitos con armas de fuego, según muestran los […]
Washington County Sheriff’s Office
Montgomery Village Man Charged With Killing Man in Hagerstown
A Montgomery Village man is charged with shooting and killing a man in Hagerstown, according to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Lauron Zacherie Hoyle, 35, is charged with first-degree and second-degree murder and 17 other charges including assault and firearm offenses, online case records show. He is being held without bond. The sheriff’s office says […]
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