video camp

September 22, 2013 | Ellen Donnelly

Dolci Gelati Cafe (Video)

Chamoda Films Our Documentary is about Dolci Gelati Café, which is a gelato shop. Gelato is Italian ice cream, and holy moly is it good. We all had a great time filming and editing, and we are very proud with the finished result.

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September 20, 2013 | Ellen Donnelly

Howard Connelly and the Takoma Art Project (Video)

Three Musketeers films Our documentary is about Howard Connelly and the sculptures that he creates. It is also about the Takoma Art Project and the sculptures that Howard, and the other artists send in each year. This year the theme was Please Sit On the Art. We had a great time in Takoma Park, and […]

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September 15, 2013 | Ellen Donnelly

2013 A Trolley Odyssey (Video)

Trolley Boys Film   Our documentary is about the National Capital Trolley Museum, where trolleys are displayed, ridden, and talked about. Some of the volunteer staff members there shared information with us about the historic museum, along with sharing their own experiences dealing with trolleys. We had a fantastic time meeting the staff, shooting different […]

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