U.S. Census 2020

November 3, 2021 | Deirdre Byrne

Gaithersburg Announces Unofficial Election Results; Ashman Reelected Mayor

The City of Gaithersburg has announced the unofficial results for its municipal election for mayor and two council member seats. The races show that incumbent Jud Ashman will be reelected as the city’s mayor, a position he’s held since 2014; Jim McNulty, creative director at Gigawatt Group, and Lisa Henderson, program director for Montgomery County […]

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September 21, 2021 | Andrea Sarralde

Comisión Comenzará a Diseñar el Mapa con los Nuevos Distritos Municipales de Montgomery

La Comisión de Redistribución de Distritos del Condado de Montgomery se reunirá el 23 de septiembre a las 5 p.m. para comenzar el proceso de crear el mapa de nuevos distritos del Concejo para futuras elecciones, de acuerdo con una presentación sobre la redistribución de distritos y el papel de la comisión. La Constitución del […]

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September 20, 2021 | Ceoli Jacoby

County Redistricting Commission to Begin Mapping New Council Districts

The Montgomery County Redistricting Commission will convene on Sept. 23 at 5 p.m. to begin the process of mapping new Council districts for future Council elections, according to a presentation on redistricting and the commission’s role. The County’s Constitution stipulates that district lines be redrawn every 10 years based on the findings of the decennial […]

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August 19, 2021 | Michael Hernández

Census Data: Gaithersburg Now the 3rd Most Populous City in Maryland

The City of Gaithersburg is now the third largest city in Maryland with a population increase of 59,933 in 2010 to 69,657 in 2020, or 16%, according to recently released 2020 Census data. On August 12, the US Census Bureau released redistricting data to the states and the public through its website at a virtual […]

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October 15, 2020 | Andrea Sarralde

La Fecha Límite para Completar el Censo es el 16 de Octubre a las 6 de la Mañana

La nueva fecha para completar el formulario del censo es el 16 de octubre a las 6:00 am hora del este. Según un gráfico del condado de Montgomery, cada residente de Maryland que no se hace contar en el censo le cuesta al estado aproximadamente $18,250 durante 10 años. Cada 10 años, el gobierno lleva […]

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October 15, 2020 | Suzanne Pollak

Thursday is Last Day to Complete Census

Thursday, Oct. 15 is the last day to fill out census forms. According to a graphic from Montgomery County, every Marylander not counted in the census costs the state approximately $18,250 over 10 years. Every 10 years, the government conducts a population count across the United States. .@RicePolitics #Census2020 Let's Make Sure Everyone is Counted […]

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