Montgomery County dedicates the Marian Fryer Town Plaza located in Downtown Wheaton Friday at 7 p.m. The dedication was originally scheduled for November 2020 but was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. County Executive Marc Elrich, County Council President Tom Hucker, and Councilmember Nancy Navarro will lead the dedication ceremonies. The ceremonies will be followed by […]
County Launches ’20 is Plenty’ Pilot Program to Reduce Speed Limit on Select Roads
Montgomery County leaders on Thursday launched a new pilot program called “20 is Plenty” to reduce the speed limit on select roads to 20 miles per hour. The program is intended to help improve road safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. The five pilot roads are in North Bethesda, Germantown and Long Branch. They are: […]
Concejo de Montgomery Amplía la Elegibilidad para el Crédito Tributario
El Concejo del Condado de Montgomery aprobó el martes, por unanimidad, un proyecto de ley que amplía la elegibilidad para el crédito tributario local sobre la renta del condado: el Suplemento de Ingresos para Familias Trabajadoras (WFIS). La enmienda permite a los residentes, que califican para el crédito tributario por ingreso del trabajo (EITC) federal […]
Hogan Recorre Futura Sede de Novavax en Gaithersburg; Ofrecerán 500 Empleos Adicionales
El gobernador Larry Hogan y otros líderes visitaron Gaithersburg el jueves para recorrer el sitio de la futura sede mundial de Novavax. Hace más de un año, Novavax comenzó a desarrollar una vacuna COVID-19. Stan Erck, presidente y director ejecutivo de Novavax, dijo que Novavax está completando la fase tres de los ensayos de vacunas […]
Hogan Tours Future Site of Novavax Global HQ in Gaithersburg; 500 Jobs to be Added
Gov. Larry Hogan and other leaders visited Gaithersburg on Thursday to tour the site of Novavax’s future global headquarters. More than a year ago, Novavax began developing a promising COVID-19 vaccine. Stan Erck, the president and CEO of Novavax, said that Novavax is completing phase three of vaccine trials and results have been promising. “I’m happy to […]
Elrich Signs Ezechiel’s Law Requiring Window Guards for Certain Rental Units
About eight months after a two-year-old boy fell from an apartment window and died in Takoma Park, a bill mandating stronger window guard requirements has been signed into law. Ezechiel Nguemezi died in October 2020 after falling from a third-floor apartment building window. Montgomery County Council President Tom Hucker spearheaded Bill 51-20, which requires landlords […]
El Recientemente Renovado Campo Atlético White Oak Abre al Público
El campo atlético White Oak, recientemente renovado, reabrió el domingo para que los residentes practiquen frisbee, fútbol, béisbol y otros juegos. Se llevó a cabo una ceremonia de corte de cinta en el campo, que se encuentra junto al Centro de Recreación Comunitario de White Oak en 1700 April Lane en Silver Spring. Montgomery Parks, […]
Newly-Renovated White Oak Athletic Field Reopens
A newly-renovated White Oak Athletic Field reopened to frisbee, soccer, baseball and other games Sunday. A ribbon cutting ceremony took place on the field, which is located next to White Oak Community Recreation Center on 1700 April Lane in Silver Spring. Montgomery Parks, @MoCoRec, @MoCoCouncilMD, ,athletes and other guests today cut the ribbon for the […]
Hucker Wants County to Settle Lawsuit With Boy Verbally Abused by Police
While on The Politics Hour with Kojo Nnamdi radio show, County Council President Tom Hucker said he thought Montgomery County should settle with the family of the East Silver Spring Elementary School student who was subjected to a barrage of verbal abuse from two Montgomery County police officers as school staff stood by. “I think […]
County Leaders: Individual Business Owners Will Enforce Mask Mandates at Their Own Discretion
Although Montgomery County is on track to enter Phase 3 of reopening on May 28, a mask mandate will still be in place for specific settings. People who are fully vaccinated don’t need to wear face masks indoors, except in the circumstances stipulated by the Maryland Department of Health such as healthcare settings, schools, and […]
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