Data about Montgomery County employees — including health records, tax information and Social Security numbers — could be accessed through a weakness in county computers dating back to May 2016, according to a report publicly issued by the Montgomery County Inspector General on Tuesday evening. A four-page report says the county neglected to install new […]
Local and State Officials Highlight Areas of Improvement at County Council Snow Storm Briefing (VIDEOS)
It’s has been more than a month since the historic winter storm buried Montgomery County in snow and on Tuesday, March 8, the County Council held a briefing with state and local officials to review storm response efforts. Officials estimated that the County spent approximately $40 million on snow removal, or $1 million per inch of snow. […]
DLC Director George Griffin is “Moving On”
UPDATED The long-serving director of the Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control (DLC), George Griffin, is “moving on,” according to a county memo that was sent out late Friday afternoon by Chief Administrative Officer Timothy Firestine. Griffin has worked for Montgomery County government for 21 years, according to the memo. Fariba Kassiri, assistant chief administrative […]
New Controversy Could Delay Opening of Silver Spring Transit Center (VIDEO)
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett is surprised by a request from WMATA for $15 million to cover future repairs and maintenance at the Silver Spring Transit Center. According to Leggett, this is an attempt by WMATA to get more money from the county that is not authorized. Take a look: At the same time, WMATA […]
Leventhal: County Budget Cuts in Place by August (VIDEO)
Montgomery County Council President George Leventhal said he’s confident county departments will be able to meet a directive from the county executive’s Chief Administrative Officer Timothy Firestine ordering department heads to plan a 2 percent funding reduction for the fiscal year that begins July 1. You can read Firestine’s memo here.
Leggett Memo Surprises Council (VIDEO)
A Nov. 21 memo from Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett’s office warns of spending limits. The memo is addressed to Council President Craig Rice and reports that the November income tax distribution was $96 million less than estimated by the Department of Finance. That’s “significant,” according to Leggett. “The volatility of these revenues and the […]
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