Supplies are being collected for 1,000 Easter baskets at the Upcounty Consolidation Hub located at the BlackRock Center for the Arts, located in the rear parking lot of 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown. Donations will be taken until April 1. Community members can contribute by making online donations, purchasing items on the Upcounty Hub’s Amazon […]
The Hub
‘El Hub UpCounty’ Apoya a casi Mil Familias y Administra Pruebas Gratis de Covid-19
La activista comunitaria Grace Rivera-Oven no dudo un segundo en ponerse manos a la obra, desde el inicio de la pandemia Covid-19, para ayudar a las familias necesitadas del condado de Montgomery. Al ver la necesidad por falta de alimentos, pérdida de empleo, falta de seguro médico y el incremento de casos de coronavirus en […]
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