takoma park elementary

January 4, 2021 | Andrea Sarralde

La Familia Raskin Lanza un Fondo Conmemorativo en Honor a su Hijo

En la víspera de Año Nuevo, el representante Jamie Raskin (D-Md. 8) y su esposa Sarah Bloom Raskin anunciaron la muerte de su hijo, Tommy, que tenía 25 años. Tommy Raskin era un estudiante de segundo año en la Facultad de Derecho de Harvard y se graduó de Amherst College en Massachusetts. Asistió a la […]

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January 4, 2021 | Deirdre Byrne

Raskin Family Launches Memorial Fund in Son’s Honor

On New Year’s Eve, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md. 8) and his wife Sarah Bloom Raskin announced the death of their son, Tommy who was 25. Tommy Raskin was a second-year student at Harvard Law School and a graduate of Amherst College in Massachusetts. He attended Takoma Park Elementary School, Pine Crest Elementary, Eastern Middle School, […]

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April 6, 2017 | Staff Writer

Registration Open For Takoma Park’s Safe Routes to School 5k Challenge

Registration is now open for Takoma Park’s 9th Annual Safe Routes to School 5k Challenge on May 7, according to a news release. The goal of this challenge is to promote safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. The run also promotes a healthy and active lifestyle for residents. Money raised from the race will support the […]

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November 20, 2013 | Sonya Burke

Two Students Fall Out of School Bus

Two Takoma Park Elementary School kids fell out of their school bus as it was traveling over a speed bump on Maplewood Avenue on Nov. 20. The students were transported to Children’s Hospital with minor injuries, according to a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) spokesperson. “It appears that the strap of one of the student’s […]

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