
August 2, 2012 | Lindsay Cayne

Bittersweet (Video)

     Hello again! These past few weeks have been quite packed!! I have been working with the students in Session III of the Backpack Journalism Academy. In the last week, they brought in their footage and began to edit their stories. I took pictures and videos of the students editing, put together a recap of […]

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July 27, 2012 | David Cabrera

Redskins Play 60 Event and The Last Week

As my time has come to an end as an MCM intern, I honestly don’t know what to write for this post. I usually talk about all of the interesting events or facts going on in the world of sports and entertainment (mainly the movies). For this post though, first and foremost, I believe I […]

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July 11, 2012 | Lindsay Cayne

Lindsay Cayne working at Marble Slab Creamery!

We All Scream For Ice Cream!

Hello world! I thought it about time to write another blog post. I told you in my last post I would give you a glimpse into my other job (the one in which I serve ice cream in an ice cream parlor), so that is exactly what I shall do! Although working at Marble Slab Creamery in Rockville, […]

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July 9, 2012 | David Cabrera

David Cabrera

The Day After the Fourth of July with David Cabrera

Let me just say what an amazing country we live in! Fourth of July fireworks and barbeque last night! Area sports teams doing really well. Some good summer movies already out (and “The Dark Knight Rises” has not even come out yet). I got to add, being off work was a plus and waking up […]

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June 29, 2012 | David Cabrera

David Cabrera

Sports Events to Watch this Weekend

If your weekend is looking anything like mine, there will be a lot of grilling, a lot of family time, and a lot of time spent in front of the TV watching sports. From the AT&T National Golf tournament to the EURO soccer championships, this July 4th weekend (even though Independence Day is on a […]

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June 29, 2012 | Grant Elliott

MCM Intern Grant Elliott

How I Even Got Here: A Definitely True Story

As the last intern at MCM to jump onto the blogging bandwagon, I thought I’d follow the trend of my predecessors by writing my first blog about, well, myself. I might as well start from the very beginning and tell you the story of how I found MCM and became an intern in the first […]

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June 28, 2012 | Steven Fitzwilliam

MCM Intern Steven Fitzwilliam

“Learning By Doing”

My name is Steven Fitzwilliam, and I’ve been interning here at Montgomery Community Media for the past three weeks now. I plan to be here until early to mid-August, after which, I’ll head back to Villanova University for my junior year. While here, I have been working mainly with Tony Spearman-Leach, the Director of Development […]

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June 28, 2012 | Lindsay Cayne

Lindsay Cayne

Editing, Twins, and More!

     Interning at MCM is a one-of-a-kind experience. Not many others get the chance to work with adults in a professional environment at such a young age. I am so lucky to have found this internship where I get to work with such great people who truly care about their community.  Whether I am discussing […]

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June 21, 2012 | David Cabrera

David Cabrera

A Night at Nats Park with David Cabrera

My name is David Cabrera and I am an intern at Montgomery Community Media. I started over a week ago and I will be interning here until the end of July or early August (still haven’t decided yet). Until the end of my time here at MCM, I will be writing weekly blog posts about […]

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June 20, 2012 | Lindsay Cayne

Lindsay Cayne

Interviewing, Shooting, Editing with Lindsay Cayne

My name is Lindsay Cayne, and I’m an intern here at Montgomery Community Media! My first day was on June 11, and I will be working here, for six weeks, until the beginning of August. I intern under Mandi Wyndham, the Training and Volunteer Services Coordinator. It has only been a little over a week, yet Mandi has […]

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