student aides

March 6, 2014 | Staff Writer

BOE Seeks Students for ‘Future Vote’ Program (Video)

The Montgomery County Board of Elections is seeking school-age students, grades 6-12, to participate in its “Future Vote” program.  Future Vote students will serve as Election Day student aides during the 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election on June 24.  There are also opportunities for students to assist the Board of Elections with a variety of activities […]

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February 6, 2014 | Staff Writer

Board of Election Seeks Student Aides

The Montgomery County Board of Elections is seeking school-age students, grades 6-12, to participate in its “Future Vote” program.  Future Vote students will serve as Election Day student aides during the 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election on Tuesday, June 24.  There are also opportunities for students to assist the Board of Elections with a variety of […]

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