Fourth grader Purani Kannan, a student at Diamond Elementary School, has been chosen as the 2017 Gaithersburg Junior Mayor. She will join Mayor Jud Ashman and members of the City Council at public ceremonies and events around the city this year. Her first Council appearance is scheduled for May 1st. In her winning essay, Purani […]
Srinidhi Guruvayurappan
Gaithersburg Selects Srinidhi Guruvayurappan as Junior Mayor (PHOTO)
Remember this name: Srinidhi Guruvayurappan. She’s a fourth grader at Diamond Elementary School, and she’s Gaithersburg’s next Junior Mayor. Guruvayurappan is scheduled to make her first appearance at the State of the City address on April 14, where the gavel will be passed by current Junior Andrew Volat, also of Diamond Elementary School. Local leaders […]
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