SNAP Challenge

February 4, 2013 | Jenna Umbriac

Grocery store cost sticker photo

Jenna Says: Plan to Succeed

Jenna Umbriac, Manna’s dietitian, will be blogging about Councilwoman Valerie Ervin’s SNAP the Silence Challenge. Saving money on your weekly food purchase begins before you even enter the grocery store.  Planning is the key to getting the healthiest food for your money.  So be SMART before you shop by following these money-saving tips: S – […]

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February 4, 2013 | Merlyn Reineke

Photo of Merlyn Reinek

SNAP Challenge: Day One (Video)

MCM Executive Director Merlyn Reineke talks about how he developed his meal plan, and what’s on the menu for day one of the SNAP the silence challenge.

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February 3, 2013 | Staff Writer

More on SNAP (Video)

Montgomery County Councilmember Valerie Ervin tells us why she launched the SNAP the silence on poverty challenge in this video clip. Take a look. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.

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February 2, 2013 | Jenna Umbriac

photo of Jenna Umbriac

Jenna: Barriers to Healthy Eating Include Time

Jenna Umbriac, Manna’s dietitian, will be blogging about Councilwoman Valerie Ervin’s SNAP the Silence Challenge. The challenge begins on Monday, but Jenna is already preparing: Yesterday I began my preparation for the upcoming SNAP the Silence challenge. This activity is designed to increase awareness about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as Food Stamps, […]

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January 31, 2013 | Merlyn Reineke

Merlyn Reineke

Take the SNAP the Silence Challenge

One of the hardest things in the world is to truly walk in someone else’s shoes. Sure, we can empathize with another’s challenges… but it’s something far different to live someone’s life as they do. One of these challenges is poverty, which forces many to feed themselves and their families on an astonishingly small amount […]

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January 28, 2013 | Staff Writer

Navarro Talks SNAP Challenge (Video)

During her January 28 press conference, Montgomery County Council President Nancy Navarro talked about taking part in the SNAP Challenge. Take a look. The SNAP challenge takes place February 4 through 8. Get details at the SNAP the Silence About Poverty website.

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January 28, 2013 | Jenna Umbriac

SNAP the Silence!

Join Council Member Valerie Ervin and many others in the SNAP the Silence Challenge this February 4-8. Participants will commit to just $5 a day for food, mimicking the county average of $4.28 each SNAP recipient receives in food stamp benefits. Manna’s dietitian Jenna will be joining council members, Maryland delegates, and representatives from Montgomery […]

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January 27, 2013 | Staff Writer

Montgomery County Councilmember Valerie Ervin

“Snap the Silence” Challenge (Video)

Montgomery County Council Member Valerie Ervin invites you to join her in taking the SNAP Challenge and highlight how it feels to live in poverty. During the week of February 4, Ervin will spend only $5 on food each day and challenges others to do the same. In October of 2012, close to 7% of […]

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