silver spring police station

April 16, 2018 | Mitti Hicks

Police Official: ‘Speeding a Common Complaint Against County Officers’

Speeding and courtesy are the two most common complaints called in by residents against Montgomery County police officers, according to Sgt. Pete Baker. Baker, who currently serves in Montgomery County Police Department’s internal affairs division, revealed this information to residents during a free seminar regarding the department’s compliment and complaint process. “It’s important for the […]

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June 15, 2014 | Sonya Burke

photo of Cherri Branson at Silver Spring Police Station Ribbon Cutting

Cherri Branson at Opening of 3rd District Police Station (Video)

“This is truly a great day,” said County Councilmember Cherri Branson at the opening of the 3rd District Police Station which is located in the White Oak section of Silver Spring. Find out more in this MyMCMedia extra: Related:

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